Sunday, May 8, 2016

Coming Soon

Determined to stave off the overwhelming stresses of everyday life, this summer, I am determined to remind myself of why I love this season for entertainment, even if it kills me.

So rather than sink to the lethargic standstill of writing an insignificant opinion about movies everybody will more than likely see anyway, maybe the threat of looming embarassment will light the fire needed to produce the content that you, my readers, deserve.

For the next 3 months, expect about 2 coming posts a week with monthly installments involving a few writing projects I've been itching to jump on.

So, what's on the docket first?

Weekly movie reviews (of what for the each week? Just wait and see)

Tools of Construction: The first video game movie with direct resources straight from the makers of the source material still results in a bust. Could Ratchet and Clank have been good? How so? Where did it go wrong?

Never Happily After: 20 years ago, the folks at Disney were shameless enough to ask "what happens after The End?" The results? Direct to Video sequels from The Disney Animated Cannon. It wasn't pretty.

New 52 Pickup: I don't hate you DC. I'm just very disappointed in you. You don't have to be all that Marvel is but at least pick up a few lessons from them. They learned from you.

And of course...

Fromage Fridays, now every month.

As always, your support drives me forwards and if you have any suggestions, feel free to make a comment.

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