Monday, September 19, 2016

Brief Delays

That time again sadly, Though I loathe to push off something within spitting distance of completion, you'll notice that the first major entry of Never Happily After hasn't materialized. There's a reason for it.

An unfortunate computer error occurring during the final stages of editing has left me with a bit of a setback; a lot of the copy from my final product was improperly saved and now irretrievable.

The only reason I'm not actively angry and venting over this is because I take a lot of hand written notes for projects such as these that serve as the backbone to a lot of the finalized content. While some rewriting is necessary, I have prior knowledge of what the post will become in addition to everything I have to say about it in tact.

So there you have it. I apologize profusely at the delay and take no pride in stretching this project out longer than I already have to but it is neverthelss coming along nicely if nothing else. Expect coverage of Disney's milking of 1001 Nights this coming Tuesday.

Whether this effects the rest of my posting schedule remains to be seen but is otherwise unlikely.  

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Boys and their Monsters: Lesser Known Monster Movies about Childhood

Summer of 2016 was full of cinematic disappointments. Some of them managed to be decent films despite that, most of them have furthered the decay of the Summer movie season as a time to bust out studio big guns into a hollow bloated overly commercial annoyance lacking in genuine awe but personally, one of those disappointments have stood out to me in the weirdest of ways.