Tuesday, March 6, 2018

State of the Blog Address: A Crit. Hit update

With the final stretch of 2018’s first quarter putting the previous year beyond rear view mirror, it’s time to chart out the future.

First things first, I’d like to thank my current readership for their continued support. You all drive me to keep going at the best and worst of times and I’m excited see how I can continue to grow things in the future. Between the projects I’m lining up, the ones already underway, and the continued support of my fellow contributors to Black Texas, where you can find a helping of original content of mine including editorials on the entertainment industry and certain reviews before they land here, I see a lot of opportunity in the future and I have no intention of letting it go to waste.

Now down to business.

To say 2018 has been a tumultuous time period has been an understatement. While the pace of my content has been steady, you’ll probably notice certain slip ups that have arisen in the patterns of my Mon./Wed./Fri. posting that has begun to take form for projects that haven’t been flat out assigned a release date in previous Crit. Hit updates.

Honestly, I wish I could chock it up to pure laziness or poor planning because those would at least be easy factors that I could control and assign blame. Unfortunately, much of that isn’t the case. This has thus far been a year that seems dead set on lining up the dominoes toward every poor direction possible.

A lot of the details are very personal but the best way that I can really impress the gravity of them upon the outsider is to insure you that the nasty bout of the Flu that I mentioned, which had me passing in and out of consciousness in cold sweats for nearly a week straight, along with the post disease upper respiratory infection that has torn my voice and ability to sleep without coughing fits to shreds, was easily the least painful experience brought about by the last 2 months by far.

Which leads me to the current state of things.

As much as I would love to slap on a happy face and look at a new month as a new opportunity, I’m in a place right now where I would rather stab myself in the kneecap with a rusty fork than lie to myself and pretend things are okay. I wish I could divulge them but being my audience does not entitle any of you to be my therapists. It’s not fair to you and it’s not the right thing to do for me.

And while I would honestly rather attempt to type and edit a full work load with broken hands for the next quarter than entertain the thought of making even a 24 hour delay on anything, I have a lot on my plate that can’t be neglected in favor of everything I’ve been struggling to strive towards for the last 2½ months.

I know this all seems rather hefty to hear but I hope that you all know I love my work far more than my own well being. For the month of March, most of the writing series’ will be suspended but Crit. Hit will be back in full swing in April with future entries for “Younger and Wiser,” “Universal Monstrosities,” and “Happily Never After.”

In the mean time however, don’t think I’ll be resting on my laurels. Crit.Hit will continue to produced weekly reviews for all of March’s big blockbuster releases (dear lord you know we’re in a new era when March and February are intensive big blockbuster release months).

As always, input is welcome and I thank you for your investment and understanding and hope that my cinematic musings can do just the slightest bit to brighten your day.

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