Thursday, July 23, 2015

Trials and tribulations: A CritHit update

Things have gotten slow for a reason.
Those of you that have followed me this long might have noticed a bit of a dip in the stream of content that I usually upload. While the eternal battle between writers and the will to achieve will always be a struggle, it's finally getting to a point where honesty needs to brought out into the open.

Some may say that the Summer season tends to fly by but the last 3 months have been a consistently enduring nightmare for me and has brought a dark storm cloud into my life during a season in which I usually couldn't be any happier.

My plans of finding a better living situation in order to branch out and a sturdy foot into the ground before Uncle Sam came knocking at my door for student loans came to a screeching halt before crashing and burning as a result of my car more or less doing just that.

As one could probably gather, a new car plus entry level salary equals a tight belt. Additionally however, taking as many extra hours possible at a job with a constantly fluctuating rhythm that I'm still adjusting hasn't exactly made things much easier.

So, as I write this post, looking over the drafted projects that I'm still polishing for publishing, in a state of frustration, exhaustion, and irritation of life in general, I hope to communicate to you that I've been kicked up and down harder than I ever have in my life but the fight has yet to be beaten out of me.

First off, you've probably noticed that "Patterns of Infinity" seems to have been dropped after its inauguration. This is actually not so. My aim with it was to release a series of parts in conjunction with the big Marvel property releases of the year, said films being, of course, "Age of Ultron," "Ant-Man," and "Fantastic Four." I only announce this in light of having just missed my first deadline for it. Despite having to institute this unfortunate delay, the remaining parts are still on schedule for release before Summer's end.

In the mean time, Fromage will take a small hiatus through the remainder of the summer. Don't fret dear reader; Fromage will return for the Fall season but for now, it will be given a brief period of rest, granting time that I can utilize for alternative projects and even ideas that I can use to stimulate it creatively.

And last but not least, while my summer plans may have ultimately gone bust, I have nevertheless been keeping up significantly with the Summer movie season, wherever possible, I'll be preparing a short write up summarizing my thoughts for the season and its offerings later next month but once September rolls around, it's right back to business as usual, with a new month long writing project ready to roll out.

Life may not always be pretty but if there's anything that I've learned from doing this for almost a year straight without pause, you only truly lose if you come to a stop. So here's to hoping I can keep the train rolling stronger for years to come.

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