Wednesday, October 4, 2017

That Time of Year Once More: Another Crit Hit Update

Because the quarter doesn’t slip by without a state of my very small nation here on Crit Hit. It’s been a crazy ride since the end of the summer but I couldn’t be more equally terrified and excited for the things that I’m working on next so here’s a brief preview on what’s to come; some predictable and long coming, some surprises, and one major announcement that I’d be lying if I told you I hadn’t vomited in anxiety over. But it’s exciting anxiety so that makes it okay! Right?

Collaberation with Movieman Madness

Manny Ramirez is a lot of things; fellow critic with bold ambitions, appreciator of the aminations (yes I know how I spelled it), one of my successors as film critic for my old college paper The East Texan, etc.

Above all else, he’s a cool passionate dude that loves movies, a guy with a lot of potential and a good friend. We’re working on a little something for an upcoming review this month and you should follow him at

Hidden Depths

With the coming release of “Spider-Man: Homecoming,” the next installment of profiles for underrated features will focus on this franchise’s most controversial entry… that landed before the more controversial entry… before the one that was even more controversial than the others.

Happily Never After

Deconstructing the most bizarre stain of the Eisner Legacy on the house of mouse continues with yet another 3 episode string for a Disney Princess cartoon that failed to launch along with an addendum to one of the most problematic installments of the Disney Renaissance.

Universal Monstrosities

From the embarrassing reboot of “The Mummy” to setting up “Transformers” spinoffs, Hollywood did what it does best this summer and destroyed what it seems to love so much in a clear demonstration of why we can’t have nice things.

The victim this time; Cinematic Universes. Maybe they’re here to stay. Maybe not. In any case, there’s quite a bit to unpack so join me later this year in doing so.

Of course, more regular movie reviews and Lightning Rounds.

Last but not least

While navigating the waters of marketing and social media as one of the socially awkward can feel like pulling teeth, and splitting attention between blog activities and a full time job can be exhausting to the point where my brain can occasionally feel useful for very little else, I have put in far too much effort, thought, finances, and suffering into this project to ever consider letting it go.

It is a passion project that I’m gambling on but I’m finally realizing just how much I would rather see it released and failed than a lump of potential that never came to fruition, and how much I would rather be on that failure heap than let one more life experience pass me by.

Although it may very well be several years off and my work on it thus far has been very rough and irregular in trying to carve the space out for it in my life, I’m very pleased to announce that the project that I have been working on for almost a year is a novel, of which, I have a flexible outline mapped out and 2 potential chapters drafted.

More details will be forthcoming as more work becomes accomplished  on it but what I can say about it thus far will be those of hints dropping in future writing projects that I will be developing for this site, including a continuation of one started from my earlier days.

I hope that my work continues to entice you dear reader and as always, your readership and dialogue continues to drive me forward.

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