As you might have guessed by now, I'm not particularly fond of having to post these technical updates. Still I'd rather this than leave an audience hanging for too long.
As you can tell, Crit Hit has been a tad radio silent. Lots of unanticipated business has been going on, both personal and work related, which isn't even accounting for the difficulties I've come across in even trying to secure some of the films to be featured (evidently 6 months is all it takes to be forgotten by rental distributors if your gross is a record breaking low).
That said, Part One of Five for Craphsoot has been completed... last week before an error forced me to rewrite the whole thing from scratch.
The process has been long and arduous but is near completion and due for release this Monday (March 7), with the rest to be on a more regular schedule through the month. In the meantime I apologize to you all. I take no pride in tardiness for posts and am embittered at outside frustrations bleeding over into something that I take passion in. However I am taking as many steps as possible to recover ground on what I've been missing.
Crapshoot 2016 is coming this March, come hell or high water.