While the films of the MCU have been reaping the benefits of a well fleshed out mythos and the interconnectivity of several self sustaining mythologies to regularly solid quality standards and financial success, the television shows never really came into their own until Netflix got involved with the franchise in 2015.
The ABC Network productions have been fairly rocky and time will tell if “Cloak and Dagger” can carve out a new niche in the Marvel Audience on the teen-centric Freeform Network but this weekend, the groundwork begun by the first season of “Daredevil” comes to fruition.
Since I’ve had the misfortune of being unable to cover the previous entries in a timely fashion, now would probably be as good a time as any to run down where I stand on them up to this point, if for no other purposes than to make the leg work of reviewing an entire season of a show culminating the events of 4 distinctly separate shows a tad bit clearer by providing context for my own entry.
These aren’t exactly detailed or deep, just a recap for the records of how I’ve felt about Marvel’s more successful foray into live action television.